Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Process Shots

Images taken during the production process of hybrid casting of floor plan "Drawing Without Paper"

(L) cast using a hybrid method_chipboard planes/ wax cast;
(R) hybrid cast next to image of plan from study model

photograph of sketches used in making castings

zoomed in images of skecthes from previously mentioned sheet: (L) axon of mass void;(R) axon of entire space of (addition) library__ rotate your eyes 90 degrees clockwise (i cant figure out how to rotate in this setup!!!(FML)__
This process has been quite successful in that I have looked at the way I have been articulating the spaces in a totally different way. Before this exercise I mainly been reading the dialogue between spaces and the OMNI POWERFUL stacks. Now I am reading the relationships between the reading rooms, conference room, cafe digital catalogues etc much more clearly. After this the articulations of the spaces and their legitimacy in terms of the manipulations tweakage and placement are much stronger. The process of Drawing without Paper has been an invaluable step in the design of the library.
Final images to come soon.

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