Tuesday, September 1, 2009

arch 430 adv. design studio f09

For the fall semester 09 I am taking Luis Carranza's "The Ineluctable Modality of the Visible, or the Library as an (other) minor Architecture Problem". The problem is to find an appropriate design for the expansion for an other wise perfect building, the library at National University in Mexico City by Juan OGorman, Gustavo Saavedra, Juan Martinez de Velasco (1953). The school as it exists in a modern architecture show case for Mexico's Modern Design Movement. From the overall university planning to the design and mural facades of each academic building. As the semester moves forward I will detail more specifically the problem and progression on solutions as well as underlying ideas and new understandings about this projects design as well as a more universal understanding toward design. When I talk about design, not only an I talking about the design of the building but also the process to achieve that final product. The DESIGN PROCESS is often more crucial to the projects development and the architects understanding of what the design meaning to himself and to the people who experience it.

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