Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Intro to ARJ

My name is andrew jackson and I am a fifth year architecture student at Roger Williams University's School of Architecture Art and Historic Preservation (SAAHP). I am working towards my masters degree in architecture and have a minor in visual arts focusing on sculpture. I am originally from Waterbury Ct where I attended Holy Cross High School. Outside of my studies at the RWU.SAAHP I wrestled for the RWU varsity team, work as a mentor for first year students in the arch. program through AIAS, and work for the university president as a Presidential ambassador. I enjoy traveling and try experiencing as much as the world has to offer. Traveling to new places is more of a thrill than anything else I can think of. Mostly I enjoy travel by boat. I can find anything mor eliberating than being on the open water. There is no more true way to experience nature and appreciate her. I truly believe that the beauty of the world, natural and man made, is something to only experience first hand, not through a computer monitor or through reading.

I have been interested in the idea of designing since I can remember. The thought of being able to influence people, entire cultures, through something that I designed is an incredible idea. My first experiences I have of designing were building snow forts after a huge storm and creating make shift villages in the woods behind my house out of nothing more than the trash from old construction. Some of my favorite architects are OMA (Rem Koolhaas), Frank Lloyd Wright, Philip Johnson, Tadao Ando, Alvar Alto, Richard Meyer, Louis Kahn, Robert Venturi, Bernard Tschumi and Oscar Niemeyer (I guess this list could go on for hours).

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