Monday, September 21, 2009

mapping project 2b

The next exercise will be focusing on mapping the site. This map wont be just a normal Rand McNally book showing the Roosevelt interstate system of New England. Rather we will be abstracting experiential qualities of the site. The maps in my portfolio will be rendering the experience of the materialities parallel to the monster of the Humanities Building running from the Library to the Medical zone. The side walks, soft scape and building facades, both in plan and section will be developed into a three dimensional portrayal. The materiality of our surroundings add a very emotional element to any site. Materials designate zones, property and associations within a site. These qualities are often very heavily considered during a design process and will be mapped and express within this process both physically and emotionally. The above image is of the zone being studied (expressed in the orange) and the images are of a few of the different qualities. More process images will follow.


  1. is the zone to be mapped the transition between the library and the science building via the looooooong humanities building. [ie. that building as the activator of the liminal?]

  2. That is correct. The length and location of the Humanities building acts as a transition between the science zone and the library zone. The transition is both mental and physical. Also the transition through the Humanities Building from the inner quad to the outer limits of the campus will be studied. The building acts as a wall in defining the inner campus quad. The material qualities, sectional changes, the relationship between exterior campus and interior campus and relationships with other buildings will be evaluated.
