Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Book of Colors Process

The first exercise of the semester was a challenge of looking to the physicality of a book rather than the text. Books come in all shapes and sizes, colors and textures. The physical objest-ness of a book tell the reader, most of the time, what is in store for them when opened. I worked with a title, The Book of Colors, to create a prototype book that would evoke feeling for place, memories and color/object associations rather than telling the reader what to expect. I looked to images of real life color, the way light excites the image and evokes the emotion of the color became appreciated during the process and incorporated into the development. Collaging and mosaics became my first thoughts on expressing the colors. Then the idea of using vertical " lines" to give each color a third demension. I wish I had time to explore more into the way the portype worked. The craft of building the prototype was tedious a best. Everything had to line up perfect and 1/300th of a inch will throw off the whole book. I wish I could have had the plates, as the pages came to be called, rotate a full 360 degrees and each color becomes more involved.

Photos of process with text and final prototype will follow.

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