Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Editting Space

As I move towards the Friday mid review, I am editing and cleaning up the spaces that have been created by the planes. I have decided best for the space of the stacks to with hold its integrity and become fully inpenatratable. Now all planes will gravitate around the stacks which will enhance the iconic-ness of the space. These pristine stacks will now be highlighted by the surrounding forms and will evoke an even more powerful sensibility. As the planes will do, the circulation will wrap around the stacks to give the people who transverse through the space a ever present view of the books, the power. With all the planes, and spaces and in turn the people gravitating, orbiting around the stacks, my thesis that the books hold the knowledge and the power will be put on displayed.

I have also looked to the precedent GGG house by Alberto Kalach for clues on how to edit the planes and articulate the resulting spaces. The use of material for transitions and to create plays on spatial sensibilities were drawn from this project.

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